Carbon Footprint


A majority of products (those processed through the film packaging) have 8% less plastic (by weight) over the typical pouch packaging.  

In 2020, Associated Seafoods assessed its Greenhouse Gas emissions, with the help of RSK, an environmental consultancy, and were able to calculate our total carbon footprint across Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. It was found that ASL emitted approximately 2,147 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) gases into the atmosphere. This discovery led us to look for more sustainable pathways for the business. Deeply concerned at the potential adverse effect its operation may have on the environment, ASL began investing in environmentally aware schemes, an example being progressively phasing out Petrol/Diesel company cars and replacing them with more eco-friendly counterparts, electric or hybrid vehicles. In 2022, ASL signed a 7-year agreement with Amber, a Net Zero consultant, to help in reducing its overall carbon emissions, with a goal of ultimately achieving Net Zero well before the UK Government’s deadline of 2050.

Sustainable packaging:

The majority of products (those processed through the film packaging) have 8% less plastic (by weight) over the typical pouch packaging. 

In 2020, Associated Seafoods assessed its Greenhouse Gas emissions, with the help of RSK, an environmental consultancy, and were able to calculate our total carbon footprint across Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. It was found that ASL emitted approximately 2,147 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) gases into the atmosphere. This discovery led us to look for more sustainable pathways for the business. Deeply concerned at the potential adverse its operation may have on the environment, ASL began investing in environmentally aware schemes, an example being progressively phasing out Petrol/Diesel company cars and replacing them with more eco-friendly counterparts, electric or hybrid vehicles. In 2022, ASL signed a 7-year agreement with Amber, a Net Zero consultant, to help in reducing its overall carbon emissions, with a goal of ultimately achieving Net Zero well before the UK Government’s deadline of 2050.